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Theta Xi
DDT Origins
DDT Cheer
DDT Women of 2008
1967 History Look
2003 Reunion
2008 Reunion BBQ
2008 Reunion Poem
Story: Nick and Hoop
Story: Ken Delgado
Story: Ken & Betsy
Story: Larry Perna
Story: Kenny Watts
Story: Sandy Loo
Story: Sandy Loo again
Story: Nick Gural
Story: Wayne Cole
Story: Wayne Cole again
Story: Russ
Story: Clark
Story: Prestwoods
1978 Coffee House
Sounds of Sickness
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History of the Bork
Retiree Test
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Brother Profiles
Missing Brothers
Web Site Donation
Web Site Donation
Honor Role
Delta Delta Tau (DDT) Fraternity
Class of 1967-1973
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Delta Delta Tau (DDT) Fraternity
Class of 1967-1973
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Delta Delta Tau (DDT) Fraternity
Class of 1967-1973
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Home Page
Public Posts
In Memory
Zoom Anniversaries
Then and Now
Group Photos
Year Book Photos
Homecoming Photos
The Wood Book
Box of Pictures
Theta Xi
DDT Origins
DDT Cheer
DDT Women of 2008
1967 History Look
2003 Reunion
2008 Reunion BBQ
2008 Reunion Poem
Story: Nick and Hoop
Story: Ken Delgado
Story: Ken & Betsy
Story: Larry Perna
Story: Kenny Watts
Story: Sandy Loo
Story: Sandy Loo again
Story: Nick Gural
Story: Wayne Cole
Story: Wayne Cole again
Story: Russ
Story: Clark
Story: Prestwoods
1978 Coffee House
Sounds of Sickness
Board of Directors
History of the Bork
Retiree Test
Brother Profiles
Brother Profiles
Missing Brothers
Web Site Donation
Web Site Donation
Honor Role
Brother Profiles
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William Adam
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George W. Anderson Jr
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Russell Ballagh
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Andrew Barron
Henry Barron
Mike Behl
Ali Beladi
Merrill Bender
Marion S. Bertolotti
Curt Betchley
Joan Bixby
Steve Black
Wilfred Brewster
Francis Brun
Dale M. Byrne
William "Bill" Campopiano
Mark Capps
Joe Carbonaro
Jim "Duke" Carleton
Elaine Carlyle Olsson…
Lee Casey
Rob Castetter
Ed Caulfield
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Ray Chavez
Vance Chavez
Kyle Chelius
Steven Chin
Curt Chisolm
Dale Clark
Mike Clark
Richard Clisby
Wayne Cole
Michael Commer
John Conaton
Greg Cone
Thomas R. Crawford III
Kit Danilson
Ken Delgado
Jefferey Dempski
Mark Direske
Jim Downey
Ken Droscher
Mary Droscher
William "Bork" Duffield
Robert Dunning
Pat Edwards
R. J. Edwards
Peter J. Ekstrom
James Endress
Wallace Everest III
Danny S. Fergus
Chris Robert Flint
Pam Forney
Dave Frazier
Glen Gast
Gerry Geronimo
Peter Gibbs
Randall Gilly
John Goelz
Dale Goodell
David Grayam
Gary Gross
Paul And Penny Guglielmoni
Nick Gural
Hugh "Kip" Hamilton
Bruce Hammett
William Cary Harkins
Rick Harless
Vance Harless
Reed Harrison
Wayne Heller
Severo Herdan
David Lee Hertzler
Marc Hetzer
Ben Hiltl
Jeffrey Hoffman
Charles Holzbach
Don Hooper
John Horan
Mark Houck
Jeffery Howland
Larry Hughes (Hughes)
Jean Jaime
John Charles Janning
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Pete Jenks
William Johnson
David Kaczmarczyk
Matt Kalus
John Kay
John Keppler
Michael Knott
Bruce Kovacs
Rosann Kryczkowski
Paul Kubica
Rick Kushner
Gary Lagerloef
Doug Lang
Mark Lee
Robert Linzell
Louis W. Locklear
Alexis Sandy Loo
Rogil Lundquist (Thomson/Sc…)
Wade Mahood
Scott Majeske
Mathias Margut
Mark Maris
Thomas Marquardt
Bill Marvin
Robert Price Mathewson
Glenn McKewen
Matthew Mead
Alfred Mendendez
Dave Miller
Garry Miller
Jay Moser
Ross Moyer
Arthur Murphy
John Murray
Michael Nash
Dan Newhouse
Mark Newhouse
Gary North
Troy Notz
John Oakes
Tim O'Hare
William Olsson
Mike Paharik
Connie Paige
Dick Paige
Peter Passerelli
Tony Patrinostro
James Peel Jr
Robert Pelligrini
David Peltola
Larry Perna
Sabina Perna
Vic & Millie Petillo
David Pfeifler
Fransisco Picronell
John Pierce
Michael Pirri
Christopher Polaski
Alexander Popov
Tom Powers
Christine Prather (Canova)
Alan Prestwood
William Ramsey
Kurt Ramstine
Wayne Rardon
Paul Replogle
Michael Richardson
Glenn Roberts
Randall Rogers
Rich Romero
Ward Sandahl
Susan Sandilands
Kenneth Santorello
Ameen Sarkees
David Schneyer
James Schubert
Ronald Schwarz
Chris Scott
Cheryl Searle (Pierce)
Ted Semanision
Dean Smehil
Geoff Smith
Al Spotz
Stephen St John
Harvey Fred Stacey
Helen Stauber (Semanision)
Timothy Steley
Brian Stewart
F. John Stingel
Bob Strieter
Dale Sult
Robert Taylor
Daniel Therry
Barry Thompson
Dave Thomson
Charles Timme
Oscar Torres
James Toscano
Dave Tryon
Beth Tully (Walcutt)
James Tully
Marianne Tully
Myke Ussak
Ed Uzialko
John Vacchiano Jr.
Philip Valente
John Valletti
Jim Van Pelt
Jeannette Vanderzwan (Quaid)
Scott Vetter
Allen Vogl
Chris Waage
Margaret Waage (Deren)
Andy Walcutt
Kenny Watts
Chaz Wendling
Moon "Mark" Wha Lee
Ray Wilkins
Al Yee Litt
Michael Young
Palma Young
Steve Zolt
Guest Members
Carter (Rardon)
Stumpy (Friend Of Al Spotz)
Roger Amende (Amende)
Robert (Bob) Brucker
Diane Deaton
Deb & Clarke Heystek/Fowler
Charles Hickey (Friend Of Al …
Tim Jenks
Lori Lipka
Alexander Loo
Erin Mahany (Archivist)
Pat & Jeb Morgan (Baker)
Paul Murphy
Diane Newman (Archivist)
Scott And Sandy Penrod
William "Bill" Sherm…
Pete Wells
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